​Studio Odontoiatrico
Prof. Maurizio Grande
Clinical radiographic and aesthetic evaluation of immediately loaded laser micro textured implants placed into fresh extraction sockets in the anterior maxilla. A 2-year retrospective multicentric study
Renzo Guarnieri, MD, DDS, Roberto Placella, DDS,†Luca Testarelli, DDS, PhD, Vincenzo Iorio-Siciliano, DDS, PhD, and Maurizio Grande, DDS
Influence of a Laser-Lok Surface on Immediate Functional Loading of Implants in Single-Tooth Replacement: Three-Year Results of a Prospective Randomized Clinical Study on Soft Tissue Response and Estheticsbro del team
Renzo Guarnieri, MD, DDS1 Maurizio Grande, DDS2 Stefano Illopiti, DDS3 Vincenzo Iorio-Siciliano, DDS, PhD4 Francesco Riccitiello, MD5/Davide Farronato, DDS, PhD6
A Prospective Clinical and Radiographic Assessment of Platform-Switched Laser-Microchannel Implants Placed in Limited Interimplant Spaces
Myron Nevis, DDS1 - Sonia Leziy, DDS2 - Eric Kerr, DDS, MS3 - Ulrich Janke, DDS6 - Giulio Rasperini, DDS5 - James Hanratty, DDS6 - Kirk Pasquinelli, DDS7 - Tiziano Testori, MD, DDS8 - Cary A. Shapoff, DDS9 - David M. Kim, DDS, DMSc10